The Ultimate Liver + Gallbladder Flush Guide
I'm so glad you're ready to take the plunge into a Liver and Gallbladder Flush! Over the next pages you'll find all of the information you need to complete your first liver + gallbladder flush successfully!
The liver is a fascinating and efficient organ with hundreds of important functions. From hormone production and conversion to detoxification and medication processing- the liver can become easily bogged down by overburden from the bombardment of processing it becomes responsible for in our toxin filled world. There are toxins everywhere we turn and if we’re not consciously aware to the alternative choices we can make, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by them.
The first step in any detoxification process should always starts with limiting or completely stopping the consumption or application of new toxins. This can include changing personal care products, choosing organic foods without added chemicals, becoming aware of food dyes and artificial colors/flavors in our products, or swapping out your artificial fragrance perfume and detergent for cleaner options like essential oils.
Once we have stopped the bombardment of incoming toxins, we can move to getting the toxins that our lodged in our bodies unstuck and eliminated. This process can include MANY modalities and protocols, and The Liver and Gallbladder Flush Series are one of our heavy-hitting tools to assist in optimizing your health. Adding this tool to your toolbox is sure to be an amazing addition to your wellness protocol.